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Forgive me Father but I am upset…

… because it’s been a few months since my last confession. Not totally my fault though. I took the time to research the times for Confession, drove all the way to the church but no one was there! I understand that there always are circumstances beyond your control but it seems to happen all too often. Now, I will try again next week at some other location but what if there were someone who needed reconciliation, found the doors locked and then NEVER came back. So Father, I beg you to please make this a priority.

While I am being a pest, I may as well make another request. Please don’t keep cancelling or shifting around daily Mass. We need a time and place we can depend on. I really believe if you make it a priority to keep things regular, the people will come. Same with Confession!  When we come and half the time it is cancelled or rescheduled, we will be reluctant to return, creating a vicious cycle where you don’t want to show up because of low numbers.

Thanks Father. Hope to see you soon in the confessional!

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